onsdag 22 december 2010

Precis som julen - en repris!

EftERsoMAlLa ANDrAöNSkarEreNGOD juLochEtTgOTtNyTRsÅhOpPaSjAgatt NifÅrDetRiKTiGtskönTrEstENAvåREtocKsÅ !

4 kommentarer:

  1. OK, Lars, you know I'm trying to get you to allow the public to make some purchasing choices or have greater input on purchasing choices for books and other media. Remember, it's the people's money. You claim to be interested in democracy. While you have a job to do, it doesn't mean that you can't be a bit more flexible about who makes what choices-to a degree-in the buying process. In other words, stop treating the library as if it's your personal fiefdom. More transparency. More openness. The lesson you've got to lean in life...yes, even at your age...is "You've got to give the other dogs some of the bone."

    Now, you don't like the idea of a public committee being involved as a "friends of the library" group. Try this instead: Show online several of the books up for purchase for a brief period of time. Make a poll on this blog or the library blogs with the titles of the books and let people vote. It will make you seem more open. Yes, it will make you look good and Lord knows how you like to look good in front of the public.

    So, try it. A small experiment. Just like the blogs. Just like the bulletin board. Just like the social media stuff pseudo-wonder boy is doing up on the hill. Just like all the quality/system talk going on in town in local government. Just like a lot of things in this town whose original source of prompting came from old you-know-who. Like the commercial said of old..."Try it. You'll like it!" So, dude, loosen up on the grip! You'll feel better.

  2. En av de viktigaste sakerna vi gjort under senare år är att minska ledtiderna för medialogistiken. Det är extremt viktigt att rätt sak kommer till rätt person på rätt(kortast möjliga) tid. Ditt förslag skulle (har sagt det tidigare) öka ledtiderna till den milda grad att det skulle upplevas som en bytydligt försämrad service. Det tror jag ingen är intresserad av. PS: Hela världens bokbestånd finns synligt och åtkomligt på webben. Vem som helst kan ta del av den och föreslå ett inköp. Om vi skule lägga vår tid på att åskådligöra all världens mediekataloger fick vi nog inte hålla på med annat. PS. Det du efterfrågar finns redan idag. Det är bara formerna som skiljer åt. Och vi väljer helst den form som ger snabbast effekt för kommuninvånarna. DS
    PS2. Starta gärna en inköpsgrupp enligt den formula som du talar väl om. DS2.

  3. Lars, the form for which the public can offer the collective point of view about a particular book purchase that either approves or stops the purchase is not in place. I have pointed out elsewhere that to the degree ethically possible, one must shorten the distance between points a and b where time is also distance to reduce systemic waste. But one must also have a clear understanding with regard what time and distance means in relationship to particular goals. For example, fast food restaurants have drive-through windows but the food is often unhealthy. In a similar vein, the fact that you can get-pardon me for being blunt-"crap" quickly and set it on your shelves is no indication of progress and a misunderstanding about what is meant but the nature of time and distance. This is why it takes years to be able to "see" the method for which I have pushed in this town clearly and not be subject to a myopic misunderstanding.

    Furthermore, until you ask, you don't know if there will or will not be interest in the public participating-first on a small scale-in some of the buying decisions beyond merely making suggestions for your buyers to decide upon.

    On Blogger you have the opportunity for instant feedback in the form of a poll. Offer a few books or movies up for purchase consideration on the sidebar of the three main library blogs and see the result. If there is no interest, fine.

    One thing more. Kindly put up this response to your response to my earlier comment regarding this issue on this particular entry of this blog. It's about dialogue and not playing "hit and run". Allow for dissent from your point of view and, of course, my point of view as stated in my response to your response. That's openness. That's what is lacking even now in Katrineholm government despite all the claimed (one might say, feigned) commentary about regarding openness and transparency.

  4. 2009 gavs det ut drygt 19 000 monografier i Sverige. Drygt 15 000 av dessa på svenska i original eller i översättning till svenska. Rätt många kan vi nog vara ense om. Till skillnad från en restaurang, snabbmat eller inte, så är deras utbud rätt begränsat i jämförelse med bokutgivningen.
